UNITY BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY, Oconee County, SC A.K.A. Westminster, SC Version 2.1, 17-Apr-2005, C199.TXT, C199 ******************************************************************************** It's believed that the usage of any original work submittals contained within these webpages such as articles, compiling, photographs or graphics, conform to Fair Use Doctrine & Copyright Guidelines. COPYRIGHT NOTE: (1.) Works published before 1923, are considered to be public- domain. (2.) Works published 1923-1977 without a copyright notice, are considered to be public-domain. (3.) Unpublished non-copyrighted works will have Author permission for public-domain. Facts, names, dates, events, places & data can not be copyrighted. Narration, compilations and creative works can be copyrighted. Copyright law in the U.S. does not protect facts or data, just the presentation of this data. REPRODUCING NOTICE: These electronic pages may only be reproduced for personal or 501(c) Not-For-Profit Society use. Use the following names, if, you would like to give any author compiling credit. AUTHORS: Paul M. Kankula-NN8NN & Gary L. Flynn-KE8FD *********************************************************************** 05-01-15 TRANSCRIPTION .. : Marie & Mary Cawthon at cawthoni@bellsouth.net in Mar-2002 CEMETERY LOCATION: ------------------ Locate the intersection of Highways 76/123 & 183. Drive 8.3 miles west on Highway 76. Turn left on Unity Church Road and drive 4.0 miles. Unity Baptist Church is on the left. (The road before Unity Church Road is called Old Unity Road) Latitude N__ __.___ x Longitude W__ __.___ CHURCH/CEMETERY HISTORY: ------------------------ These are minutes of church records..... The day and date of the constitution of the Unity Baptist Church, South Carolina, County of Oconee, May 8, 1867. The Brothers and Sisters in and about the neighborhood of Long Nose Mountain met at the school house for the purpose of constructing a church at this place, to be known as the Unity Baptist Church. The following Brothers and Sisters being present: William Norris, D. H. Liles, J. R. Black, W. C. Pitts, Joseph Liles, Y. R. Rider, Robert Blackwell, J. Simmon, M. J. Liles, Elizabeth Hare, Mitelda Black, Rachel Pitts, Mary Norris, M. L. Liles, Sarahan Hall, Roda Blackwell, and Sarah Rider. The following Elders being present previously to aid and assist in the constructing of the said church: J. A. Davis, Phillip Chambers, and Elijah Pitts. They formed themselves into a presbytery by electing Phillip Chambers mederator and by examination found the above named Brothers and Sisters in order. They constitited into a church by prayer and the right hand of fellowship. Our object in constructing a church at this place is to keep house for the Lord in the Unity of the Spirit and in the bond of peace. We feel it our duty in the fear of God to set Faith a declaration of those things which we most confidently believe our duty according to sound doctrine. o----------o Member Rolls, Summer of 1888 Adams, Elizabeth Jane Adams, James W. Anderson, Mary Bailey, M.R. Black, Lucy Chambers, Matilda Dodd, Susan Hall, Kizza Harvey, Debra Ann Harvey, John W. Harvey, Nancy Heron, Francis King, Martha Liles, Charles Liles, Samuel L. Moore, Aida(Adda) Moore, Emily Moore, Jordan Pitts, Charles Jr. Pitts, Edward Pitts, Fannie Pitts, Joseph D. Pitts, salena Pitts, William Rodgers, James Rolings, Arena Ryder, Sarah A. Ryder, Y.R. Standridge, Joseph Standridge, Amanda Standridge, John Standridge, W. Nerva Another attempt to got the rolls in order during the summer of 1888. New comments, some obviously added later with different handwriting, different pen, and dates later than 1888. Ables, Harriet A. Ables, Mary E. Ables, Martha J. Ables, Pressly M. Adams, J.W.(M?) Adams, Mary Adams, Nancy Adams, Sarah F. Black, Allice L. Black, J.A. Black, John W. Black, J.R. Black, Matilda Black, Sarah Frances Blackwell, Rhoda Blackwell, Robert Broom, Martha Butt, Samuel M. Chambers, Joab Chambers, Patrick Chambers, Rev. L.P. & wife Sarah Crane, Mark & wife L.L. Crane, Wilkerson (Deacon) & Wife Sarah Dodd, L.E. & wife Durham, Andrew & wife Catherine Durham, Marina Freeman, Arminda Graham, Susannah Hair, Elizabeth Jane Hair, J.P. Hall, Mary Hall, Sarah Ann Harvey, Lulia (Julia?) Harvey, Martha Herbert (Harbert) Eliz Holbrooks, Mary Jane Hutchins, Roswell King, James A. & wife Elmina King, Robert King, Sarah Jane Lee, David & wife Charlotte Lee, Elizabeth Liles, Ada J. Liles, D.A. Liles, Hetty M. Liles, Julia Pickens Liles, J.O. Liles, Letty Liles, Martha J. Liles, Mary Liles, Mary Ellen Long, Abraham Long, Beaman Long, Earl Long, Sarah Norris, Elizabeth L. Norris, John A. Norris, Mary Norris, T.R. & wife Nancy J. Norris, William Pitts, David N. Pitts, Dilla Pitts, Jesse W. Pitts, Netty F. Pitts, Rachel C. Pitts, W.C. Ryder, Amanda Ryder, H.F. Ryder, Pheriby Ryder, Sarah A. Ryder, Sarah Jane Ryder, W.T. Adm Simmons, Joseph Smith, Emiline M. Smith, Roling Smith, Sallie Standridge, Isabella Standridge, Marian Stephens, Ezekial & wife Elender Stone, Henry Stone, Mary Stone, R.E. Suttles, James Suttles, M.E. Another attempt to organize the rolls during the fall of 1888 or spring of 1889. This one had columns and some comments added later. A: Ada by Exp, E: Ada by Ltr C: Dis by Ltr D: Excluded E: Restored F: Died. Later write-ins are in parentheses. Adams, Amanda Adams, Elizabeth Jane Adams, J.M. Adams, J.W. Adams, Sarah Anderson, Mary Anderson, Robert Black, John R. Black, Matilda Black, J.A. Black, Martha Ann Black, John W. Black, Elizabeth Black, Allice J. Black, Sarah Frances Black, William E. Chambers, C.T. Chambers, Julia Pickens Freeman, Arminda Gulley, John Gulley, Mary Hair, Eller Hair, Joseph P. Hair, James Wallace Hall, Kiza Hall, Mary Haney, Julia Haney, Martha Haney, William Crate Harbert, Nancy Harvey, John W. Harvey, Nannie Holbrooks, Mary Jane Hutchins, Roswell Liles, Lettie Liles, Sallie Liles, Samuel L. Long, Abraham Long, Sarah Long, Earl Long, Bieman Meredith, Elizabeth Norris, T.R. & wife Norris, Nancy Jane Norris, Eliza Jane Norris, Nancy Pitts, W.C. & wife Rachel Pitts, David N. Pitts, Salina Pitts, Netty Frances Rodgers, Elizabeth Ryder, Sarah Jane Standridge, Joseph Standridge, Amanda Stephens, E.L.H. & wife Elender Stone, Henry Stone, Rebecca E. Stone, Mary Suttles, James Suttles, M.E. Suttles, Newton Suttles, John List of Members, Dated August 2, 1890 Adams, Amanda Adams, Elizabeth J. Anderson, Robert Anderson, Mary Black, John R. Black, Matilda (w/o John R.) Black, James Allen Black, Martha Jane Black, Sarah Frances Black, William E. Chambers, Julia Pickens Chambers, Colonel T. Gulley, John Gulley, Mary Hair, James Wallace Hair, Eller (w/o J.W.) Hair, Elizabeth Haney, Arie Haney, William Crate Haney, Julia Haney, Martha Haney, Polly Harvey, Catherine Harvey, Debra Ann Harvey, Eliza Jane Harvey, Nannie Harvey, Robert Holbrook, Polly Jane Hutchins, Rosa L. Liles, Samuel J. Liles, Letty Liles, Sally Smith Liles, Hetty Long, Abraham Long, Sally (w/o Abraham) Long, Bieman Long, Lucy (w/o Bienan) Meredith, Elizabeth Moore, Rebecca E. Suttles Moore, John N. Norris, T.R. Norris, Nancy (w/o T.R.) Pitts, William C. Pitts, Rachel C. (W/O W.C.) Pitts, David Pitts, Salina (w/o David) Rogers, Elizabeth Smith, J.R. Smith, Emiline (w/o J.R.) Smith, Sallie Smith, Magaline Elizabeth Standridge, Joseph Standridge, Amanda (w/o Jos.) Stephens, E.J.H. Stephens, Elender (w/o E.J.H.) Stone, William H. Stone, Mary (w/o W.H.) Suttles, M.E. Suttles, John Suttles, Newton G. List of Members, Aug 1, 1891 Ables, Ida C.(Adams) Adams, Elizabeth Adams, Amanda Anderson, Mary Anderson, Robert Black, John R.(Deacon) Black, James A.(Licenciate) Black, Matilda(w/o John R.) Black, Martha Jane Black, William E. Black, Sarah Frances Black, Effie Lee Chambers, Colonel T. Chambers, Julia Pickens (w/o Col T.) Cox, John G. Cox, Allice Cox, Lisero(?) Cox, Georgiann Gulley, John Cox, Robert Haire, Eller (w/o James W.) Haire, Elizabeth Haire, J. Wallace Haney, William Crate Haney, Julia Haney, Arie Haney, Martha Harvey, Mary Harvey, Elizabeth Jane Harvey, Nancy Harvey, Catherine Harvey, Robert Hutchins, Rosa L. Liles, Samuel Liles, Hetty Liles, Letty Liles, Eller Liles, Charles W. Long, Abraham Long, Sallie Long, Earl Long, Bieman Long, Lucy Meredith, Elizabeth Moore, Mary Moore, Hettie Moore, Rebecca E. Norris, T.R.(Deacon) Norris, Nancy Jane Pitts, William C. Pitts, Rachel C. Pitts, David N. Pitts, Salina Rogers, Elizabeth Standridge, John Henry Standridge, Joseph Standridge, Amanda Smith, Sallie Smith, Magaline Smith, J.R.- Smith, Emiline Suttles, M.E. Suttles Thomas Suttles, John Suttles, Newton G. Stone, William H. Stone, Mary Member Roll, December 1904 Ables, Ida Ables, W. B. Ables, Maxie Adams, Mary Adams, Amanda Adams, Lola Adams, Mary Ellen Adams, Cliff Adams, Rolan Adams, Ellen Black, J.R.(died 22 Jan 1905) Black, J.A. Black, J.R. Jr. Black, Lester Black, Fannie Black, F.M. Black, Frank Black, Matilda Black, Effie Lee Black, R.A. Black, Martha J. Black, Ida L. Black, N.A. Carter, Lethe Carter, W.O. Carver, J.Y. Carver, John Carver, Willie Chambers, Julia Liles(?) Chambers, Colonel T. Cooper, Rebecca Cooper, Dandy Cox, John Cox, Allice (dead) Cox, Adie Cox, Deaniel(Daniel?) Cox, Elnairth(?) Cox, C.J. Cox, J.J.(dead) Davis, Lillie Davis, J.F. Davis, Y.H. Davis, Matilda Davis, Fred A. Davis, Mamie O. Davis, Bessie G. Davis, Charley Davis, James Y. Dickson, Effie J.W. Finley, M.J. Hall, Kennedy Hall, M.L. Hair, Mary Haire, H.A. Haney, John Hare, Mary Hare, J. Reed Hare, J.W. Hare, Eller Hare, Lonzo Hare, Towns Hare, Missouri Holmes, Nancy (dead) Lee, James E. Liles, Samuel J. Liles, Sarah J. Liles, Dora Long, Rev. H.F. Long, J.H. Long, H.J.(?) Long, Bieman Long, B.A.(?) Long, Ernest Long, Ollie Long, P.M. Long, Mattle Longe, A.H. Longe, Lucy Longe, Nora Longe, Dora Longe, Lida Moore, John N. Moore, Hettie M. Moore, Charley Nix, Roxie Mix, A.W. Pitts, Rachel C. Pitts, David N. Pitts, Salena Pitts, J.D. Pitts, Faney Pitts, Kimsey Pitts, T.A. Pitts, J.T. Pitts, Dealie Rholetter, Anner Rholetter, Jane Rholetter, W.N. Rholetter, Rozzle Shead, Jeff J. Shead, Thomas Shead, Henry Shead, Delphia Smith, Sallie Spencer, Flora C. Stone, Arie(?) Stone, Carie Stone, W.H. Stone, Mary Stone, Joe Suttles, Josie Suttles, John Suttles, Bel...ey Suttles, Sister Vinson, Ada Vinson, Joel Vinson, Clifton Vinson, Frances Young, William TOMBSTONE TRANSCRIPTION NOTES: ------------------------------ a. = age at death b. = date-of-birth d. = date-of-death h. = husband m. = married p. = parents w. = wife ABLES, Clarence M., b. 9-jun-1896, d. 7-dec-1950 ABLES, Claude, b. 29-mar-1891, d. 10-oct-1981, on double headstone with cora e. ABLES, Cora E., b. 3-oct-1887, d. 10-apr-1962, on double headstone with claude ABLES, Cora L., b. 1911, d. 1939, on 3-way headstone with john t. and flettie p. ABLES, Fleettie P., b. 1910, d. 1944, on 3-way headstone with john t. and cora l. ABLES, Ida M., b. 13-may-1871, d. 12-apr-1968, on double headstone with william b. ABLES, Infant Daughter, of mr & mrs john t. ables, no date ABLES, Infant Son, of mr & mrs john t. ables, no date ABLES, John T., b. 6-sep-1894, d. 6-jul-1987, on 3-way headstone with cora l. and flettie p.; mil marker PFC US Army WII ABLES, Mary King, b. ?, d.10-jun-1881 ABLES, Priestly, b. ?, d. 15-nov-1902 ABLES, Robert Louis, b. 10-dec-1861, d. 1-aug-1891 ABLES, William B., b. 22-jun-1866, d. 21-may-1925, on double headstone with ida m. ADAMS, Annie R., b. 1910, d. 23-dec-1990, paper says annie rothell adams, widow of henry levis adams, p. ADAMS, Beman, b. 20-sep-1934, d. 1934 ADAMS, Dora Long, b. 18-mar-1888, d. 24-jan-1969, on double headstone with j.r. "ode" ADAMS, Dora, b. 1881, d. 1934, beside ervin ADAMS, Dovie, b. 10-jun-1898, d. 2-apr-1937 ADAMS, Effie, 1899 *only date ADAMS, Elizabeth, b. 22-jun-1829, d. 6-jul-1922, beside thomas j. ADAMS, Ervin, b. 15-dec-1880, d. 17-aug-1965,, beside dora ADAMS, Eula, b. 16-feb-1923, d. 11-apr-1923 ADAMS, Eva, b. 23-aug-1928, d. 26-may-1930 ADAMS, H. Levis, b. 1904, d. 7-apr-1984, beside annie r., paper gives henry levis adams, husband of annie ADAMS, J.M., b. 14-nov-1857, d. 31-jan-1947, beside mrs.m.j. adams ADAMS, J.R. "Ode", b. 23-sep-1884, d. 23-apr-1968, on double headstone with dora long adams ADAMS, John F., b. 1872, d. 1949 ADAMS, Lewis Julius, b. 28-apr-1908, d. 24-oct-1926 ADAMS, Lewis, b. 4-jul-1883, d. 20-aug-1964, on double headstone with roxie b. ADAMS, Loma, b. 1927, d. 1927 ADAMS, Louis, b. 1868, d. 1914, on double headstone with mandy b. ADAMS, Lucy, b. 30-mar-1931, d. 30-mar-1934? ADAMS, Lummie, b. 1926, d. 1927 ADAMS, Mandy B., b. 1857, d. 1899, on double headstone with louis ADAMS, Mattie M., b. 7-apr-1929, double headstone with mitchell adams ADAMS, Mitchell, b. 28-oct-1924, d. 12-sep-1985, double headstone with mattie n. adams ADAMS, Mrs. M.J., b. 13-may-1859, d. 9-apr-1930, beside j. m. adams ADAMS, Nora Bell, b. 19-jul-1910, d. 24-aug-1910 ADAMS, Nora Long, b. 3-apr-1885, d. 26-jan-1961, on double headstone with walter clifton adams ADAMS, Paul H., b. 15-oct-1892, d. 30-jun-1961, military marker, SC PFC Co H 118 Inf, WWI ADAMS, Roxie B., b. 23-jul-1884, d. 30-jan-1968, double headstone with lewis ADAMS, Samuel A., b. 23-feb-1912, d. 23-feb-1912 ADAMS, Samuel, b. 30-oct-1919, d. 21-aug-1958 ADAMS, Sarah H., b. 1911, d. 1993, on double headstone w/ thomas c. ADAMS, Susan, b. jun-1918, d. jun-1919 ADAMS, Thomas C., b. 1902, d. 1974, on double headstone with sarah h. ADAMS, Thomas J., b. 10-aug-1833, d. 18-nov-1913, beside elizabeth, he has another single stone which giv ADAMS, Walter Clifton, b. 13-dec-1881, d. 8-jul-1961, on double headstone with nora long adams ADAMS, Walter S., b. 19-apr-1920, d. 4-feb-1972 BECK, Oscar Sanford, b.1935, d.12-july-1998, w. bobbie jean buchanan beck, p. tommie & rosa bell cooper beck BECK, Rosa Bell Cooper, b. 3-feb-1908, d. 30-apr-1982, a. 74y, double headstone with tommie beck BECK, Sarah Ruth, b. 2-nov-1932, d. 4-sep-1940, a. 7y 10m 2d, next to tommie & rose cooper BECK, Tommie, b. 29-mar-1912, d. 29-nov-1994, double headstone with rose bell cooper beck BLACK, Carrie S., b.1884, d.1920, beside frank m. BLACK, Cecial, b.20-oct-1910, d.22-oct-1910, p. r.a. & n.a. black BLACK, Claracy A., b.1897, d.1925 BLACK, Dover, b.28-mar-1911, d.20-june-1915 BLACK, Frances, b.1868, d.1940, beside g.w. BLACK, Frank M., b.1888, d.1942 BLACK, Furman, b.1912, d.1934 BLACK, G.W., B.1907, D.1935, beside frances BLACK, Gretta V., b.1916, d.1919 BLACK, Infant Boy, b.1925, d.1925 BLACK, Infant Boy, b.1927, d.1927 BLACK, Infant Daughter, of J.A. & M.J., double marker with julia a.e. BLACK, Joanna M., b.23-may-1868, d.18-sept-1936, double marker with william e. BLACK, John R., b 28-oct-1835, d. 22-jan-1905, single headstone, beside matilda a. black BLACK, Julia A.E., b.3-jan-1884, d.23-july-1886, p. j.a. & m.j. black BLACK, Matilda A., b.20-jan-1837, d. 6-may-1913, single headstone, next to husband john r. black BLACK, Nancy A., b.25-dec-1872, d.8-oct-1947, double marker with r.a. BLACK, R.A., b.28-may-1873, d.10-mar-1949, double marker with nancy a. BLACK, Roy A., b.1909, d.1926 BLACK, Walter, b.1918, d.1919 BLACK, William E., b.9-may-1871, d.8-jan-1919, double marker with joanna m. BLACKWELL, Dollie A., b.1900, d.1977 BURTON, Mary Sue, b. 25-jul-1909, d. 14-sept-1960, stone says sister of clara e. moore BUTTS, Nettie Lou CARTER, Ila H, b. 1915, d. 2001, double headstone with woodrow CARTER, Infant, b. 17-dec-1911, d. 26-feb-1912, buried in robert f. carter plots CARTER, Lola L., b. 3-sept-1880, d. 24-oct-1920, single headstone beside husband robert f. CARTER, Robert F., b. 1-sept-1883, d. 10-jan-1969, single headstone beside wife lola l. CAWTHON, Vera Ann, b. 1-nov-1944, d. 3-jun-1991, h. frank d., d/o harry & irene moore jones COOPER, Charlie G., b. 1-may-1906, d. 14-aug-1962, dbl. headstone with wife lillie may w., says married october 25, 1924 COOPER, Dandy, b. 1876, d. 1945, double headstone with sarah s cooper COOPER, Lillie May Wilson, b. 14-may-1903, d. 10-jan-1962, dbl. headstone with husband charlie g. COOPER, Mary Louise Wilson, b.25-apr-1939, rabun co ga, d. 6-jul-1993, h. frederick ray; d/o clarence & myrtle alice holcombe wilson COOPER, Matthew K., b. 15-dec-1870, d. 3-mar-1952, single headstone beside rebecca; also here: minnie h. & rosa b. COOPER, Minnie H., b. 23-mar-1905, d.27-oct-1916, dbl. headstone with rosa b., says dtrs. Of m. & r. cooper COOPER, Rebecca, b. 13-oct-1871, d. 30-aug-1948, single headstone beside matthew k.; d/o w.r. & s.m. smith COOPER, Rosa B., b. 24-dec-1908, d. 19-nov-1911, dbl. headstone with minnie h. says dtrs. Of m. & r. cooper COOPER, Sarah S., b. 1876, d. 1947, dbl. headstone with dandy COX, Alice, b. 22-nov-1866, d. 25-oct-1909, single headstone beside husband john g. COX, Arther, b. 23-apr-1896, d. 18-may-1896, 3-way headstone with luther & eddie, says sons of j.g. & alice cox, buried in john g. cox plots COX, Eddie, b. 29-apr-1891, d. 20-may-1891, 3-way headstone with luther & arther, says sons of j.g. & alice cox; buried in john g. cox plots COX, Garnett Mitchell, b. 1907, d. 1909, dbl. headstone with james joel cox, says brother; buried in john p. & vira dooly cox phillips plots COX, James Joel, b. 22-jun-1869, d. 7-jul-1910, dbl. headstone with garnett mitchell cox; buried in john p. & vira dooly cox phillips plots COX, John G., b. 1872, d. 1935, single headstone beside wife alice; also here: eddie, luther, arther COX, Luther, b. 23-apr-1895, d. 18-may-1895, 3-way headstone with eddie & arther, says sons of j.g. & alice cox DAVIS, Carl, b.21-nov-1913, d. 21-aug-1998, double headstone with ruth DAVIS, John G., b. 23-jul-1887, d. 3-dec-1964, double headstone with ollie l. davis DAVIS, Lillian May, 10-nov-1942, only date, single headstone, says d/o carl & ruth davis DAVIS, Mary A., b. 7-may-1854, d. 12-apr-1900, single headstone beside husband thomas h. DAVIS, Ollie Tolula Long, b. 2-nov-1889, madison co ga, d. 9-jan-1990, h. johnson george davis; d/o beiman & lucy black long DAVIS, Thomas H., b. 24-jul-1854, d. 19-aug-1940, single headstone beside wife mary a.; also here: rebecca davis hunter DENNY, Louvenia L., b. 15-mar-1869, d. 23-sept-1923, single headstone, says w/o j.s. denny DORSEY, Essie Grace Long, b. 29-mar-1924, d. 14-dec-1997, h. william clinton dorsey, p. ernest & mat DORSEY, William Clinton, b.29-jul-1926, d.31-jan-2001, w. essie grace long dorsey, p. frank & maude long dorsey HAIR, Clifton McKinley, b. 19-nov-1898, d. 29-nov-1899 HAIR, Elizabeth, b. no date, d.20-feb-1903, h. j.w. hair HALL, Frances Mae Adams, b.23-dec-1905, d.14-feb-1962, double marker with robert l. HALL, Robert L., B.27-oct-1904, double marker with frances mae, p. jessie martin & kizzie moore hall HARE, Annie S., b.10-mar-1894, d.17-oct-1976, double marker with h. towns hare, sr. HARE, Elonzo Bert, b.22-nov-1884, d.6-aug-1976, double marker with susan davis hare HARE, H. Towns, Sr., b.7-oct-1886, d.13-mar-1957, double marker with annie s. HARE, infant daughter of mr. & mrs e.b. hare, b. 4-oct-1926, d. 4-oct-1926, triplet HARE, Infant Son, of mr. & mrs. e.b. hare, b. 4-oct-1926, d. 29-oct-1926, triplet HARE, Infant Son, of mr. & mrs. e.b. hare, b. 4-oct-1926, d. 4-oct-1926, triplet HARE, Infant Son, of Mr. & Mrs. H.T., 26-nov-1911 HARE, Joe Brown, a. 90y, b.7-july-1910 in Oconee County, d. 26-nov-2000, w. kelly louise spencer hare, p. horace t. & annie smith hare HARE, Joseph P., b.14-july-1857, d.12-july-1901, double marker with mary a. HARE, Margie Cooper, b.1916, d.29-apr-1997, p. dandy & dadie smith cooper, h. harrison HARE, Mary A., b.15-dec-1857, d.2-dec-1944, double marker with joseph f. HARE, Susan Davis, b.22-jan-1891, d.12-aug-1978, double marker with elonzo bert hare HOLBROOKS, Gary Lee, 1965 only date, linda also here HOLBROOKS, Linda, b. 1962, d. 1962 HOLBROOKS, Lizzie Mae Stone, b. 1911c, d. 10-may-1990, p. lewis jackson & georgia whitfield st HOLBROOKS, Paris Mary Holbrooks Norris, b. 1920c, d. 6-apr-1990, p. alec & ommie smith holbroo HOPKINS, Ruby Thrift, b. 14-sep-1922, d. 7-jan-1996, p. lex & nora adams thrift, h. will HUDSON, Blumer, b.12-nov-1912, d.20-dec-1918 HUDSON, Sarah E., b.23-may-1877, d.31-jan-1939 HUDSON, Verman, b.17-aug-1909, d.24-dec-1918 HUNTER, Rebecca Davis, b.26-dec-1878, d.1-july-1930, next to thomas h. & mary a. davis HUNTER, Shirley, b.1897, d.7-aug-1930 IVESTER, Bessie A., b.30-jan-1886, d.2-sept-1976, same plot as r.f. & l.l. carter IVESTER, Jasper, b. 1912, d. 1988, funeral marker only, just outside of r.f. & l. l. carters plot, nest to bessie a ivester KIMBLE, Teresa, 1955, only date KING, Robert, b.1791, d.1880 LEE, Allison, b. no date, d.1924, double marker with delia LEE, Alma P., b.15-jan-1905, d. 20-apr-1983, double marker with george d. LEE, Carreecie Taylor, b.12-june-1904, d.10-feb-1979, double marker with major LEE, Delia, b.no date, d.1958, double marker with allison LEE, George D., b.9-oct-1902, d.17-may-1948, double marker with alma p. LEE, James Randall, b. 16-jun-1904, d. 29-jan-1992 LEE, Major, b.15-mar-1897, d.30-apr-1948, double marker with carreecie taylor lee (ca LEE, Marie Estelle, b. 24-sep-1927, d. 19-mar-1928 LEE, Melger, b. 2-dec-1893, d. 25-aug-1960, buried next to sam LEE, Sam, b. 7-mar-1904, d. 18-aug-1970 LONG, Avie Drewsiller, b.18-june-1914, d,24-oct-1966 LONG, Bart A., b.13-may-1885, d.19-july-1942, double marker with lidie l LONG, Bieman, b.10-oct-1859, d.18-apr-1936, double marker with lucy e. LONG, Carrie Hare, b. 15-dec-1893, d.8-july-1985, p. joe & mary adams hare, h. palm clarington l LONG, Earnest E., b.10-jan-1887, d.3-sept-1957, double marker with mattie l. LONG, Edward M., b. 7-jul-1930, SGT 1st class US Army Ret. Korean & Vietnam, w. ursula a. long LONG, Ella Asnsale(?), Mrs., b.1862, d.2-july-1937, a.75y LONG, Georgia Beulah, b.7-nov-1929, d.27-sept-1989, p. ernest & mattie long LONG, Glenn, b.1914, d.1971 LONG, Grover M., b.20-nov-1919, d.18-july-1976 LONG, H. Danney, b.9-sept-1950, d.30-sept-1950 LONG, Jerome G., b.12-oct-1914, d.27-july-1981 LONG, Lidie L., b.22-nov-1889, double marker with bart a. LONG, Lonice Magnolia, b. 1917c, d.14-apr-2000, p. ernest edward & mattie leler long LONG, Lucy E., b.8-jan-1861, d.21-aug-1932, double marker with bieman LONG, Mammie A., b.10-july-1889, d.5-jan-1992, p. willie & ida adams ables, h. paul mitc LONG, Mattie L., b.15-mar-1892, d.20-mar-1971, double marker with earnest e. LONG, Palm Clarington, b.16-jan-1895, d.7-june-1931 LONG, Paul M., b.13-mar-1887, d.14-june-1975, double marker with mammie a. LONG, Paul Pershing, b.1920C, d.4-july-1992, p. paul mitchell & mamie ables long LONG, Rachel Lillian, b. 19-apr-1968, d, 19-apr-1968, stone says daughter of sam long LONG, Reedie P., a. 89y, b.1911c in Oconee County, d.25-oct-2000, p. paul mitchell & mamie ables long, (never married) LONG, Richmond Ernest, b.11-may-1905, d.7-dec-1989, p. bart A. & lidie long, w. thora vinson l LONG, Tillman Woodrow, b.1912C, d.4-dec-1989, p. p. clarington & carrie hare long, mil. marker Tec 5 US Army WWII LONG, Ursula Adeline Krause, b.21-jul-1930, d.2-mar-2001, h. edward mason long, p. erich & hedwing schwebre krause LONG, Woodroe, b.24-feb-1929, d.9-dec-1969 MATHESON, Bessie M., b. 4-sep-1918, *only date, double headstone with horace matheson MATHESON, Horace B., b. 17-mar-1918, d. 7-jan-2002 MELTON, Lyn Charles, b.1923, d.14-nov-1986, p. charlie norman & lillie mae MILES, Bobby Ray, b.1964, d.1965 MOOR, Anna E., b.19-june-1887, d.6-nov-1907, p. mr. & mrs. j.n. moor MOOR, Infant Daughter, of J.R. & Mrs. N.N., b.16-june-1894, d.4-feb-189(?) MOOR, Infant Daughter, of Mr. & Mrs. J.N., b.12-apr-1897, d.6-aug-1897 MOOR, Infant Son, of Mr. & Mrs. J.N., b.28-sept-1892, d.28-mar-1898 (?) MOORE, Charlie E., b.10-may-1884, d.12-apr-1969, double marker with essie l. MOORE, Clara Davis, b.10-feb-1912, d.8-june-1999, h. j.c. moore, p. john george & ollie tolula long davis, stone says sister of m.s. davis MOORE, Essie L., b.26-nov-1902, d.24-apr-1994, p. bieman & lucy black long, MOORE, Lillie Mae, b. 1908, d. 1993, besides w. c. & n. l. adams NORRIS, Barbary, b. 1828, d. 1851, double headstone with mary j NORRIS, Jessie James, b.1911, d.1965, beside junior david norris NORRIS, Junior David, b.1944, d.1976, beside jessie james norris NORRIS, Mary J., b. 1882, d. 1882, double headstone with barbary NORRIS, Mary W., b. 1812, d. 1857, double headstone with william NORRIS, William, b. 1810, d. 1857, double headstone with mary w. PELFREY, Clem E., b.13-may-1935, d.27-jan-1955 PELFREY, Coda Jessie Adams, b.1902, d.10-oct-1985, p. jess m. & amanda black adams PELFREY, David M., 16-apr-1956, p. mr. & mrs. r.j. pelfrey PELFREY, Edna Mae Brown, b.20-sep-1935, d.19-july-2000, h. rosco jefferson pelfrey, p. rufus & ethel hopkins brown PELFREY, Garnett F., b.18-nov-1905, d.5-feb-1974, double marker with maybee m, pelf PELFREY, Leonard, b.1907, d.6-apr-1986, p. leander & nettie rholetter pelfrey, w.coda PELFREY, Maybee M., b.25-may-1912, double marker with garnett f. PELFREY, Roscoe J., b.4-apr-1931, d.26-dec-1958, double marker with edna m. pelfrey PELFREY, Travis Roy, Dr., b.1-jan-1964, d.7-sept-1993, p. ernest mackey & bertie marie st PHILLIPS, John P., b.9-mar-1862, d.22-mar-1947, beside vira kooly cox phillips PHILLIPS, Vira Dooly Cox, b.12-dec-1864, d.18-may-1949, beside john p. (vira as on stone) PITTS, Rachael C. Youngblood, b. 1838, d. 1921, double headstone with william b pitts PITTS, William B., b.1836, d. 1896, double headstone with rachael c youngblood pitts PULLIUM, Caroline, 1981, only date, infant RAMEY, Boby Edd, 18-nov-1934, p. mr. & mrs. edd ramey (Boby as on stone, only date) RAMEY, Edd, b.1910, d.31-dec-1995, p. raleigh nathan & anna lee ramey, w. sue bell carter ramey, army vet WWII RAMEY, Robert Lee, b.22-july-1919, d.3-sept-1965 RAMEY, Sue Belle, a. 82y, b. 1917, d: 18-may-2000, p. robert fenton & lola norman adams carter, h. edd ramey, son, charles, dtrs: norman jean tompkins, stella story RHOLETTER, Ruth Adams, a78y, b.3-oct-1921 in oconee county,, d.1-june-2000, p. paul h. & dovie long rholetter, h. gus c. rholetter SHEDD, H.T., b.10-oct-1859, d.5-jan-1918, double marker with mary e. SHEDD, Mary E., b.27-aug-1875, d.30-oct-1945, double marker with h.t. SMITH, Beulah Mae, b. 23-may-1936, h. billy ray SMITH, Billy Ray, b. 14-oct-1934, stone says married november 3-1962, w. beulah mae SMITH, Charlie G., b.28-aug-1895, d.7-mar-1952, double marker with millie may l. SMITH, Charlie T., b.5-sept-1879, d.25-apr-1960, double marker with jessie c smith SMITH, Christine, b. 16-nov-1934, d.19-mar-1995, p. walter d. & viola adams smith SMITH, Eaver, b.29-may-1922, d.20-june-1922, p. mr & mrs. duboys smith , name as written on stone SMITH, Isaac John, b.15-july-1910, d.6-july-1978, military marker: pvt us army WWII (funeral marker sa SMITH, James C., b.15-jan-1873, d.22-mar-1908 SMITH, Jessie C., b.16-mar-1898, double marker with charlie t., only date on stone SMITH, Laura Louise Cox, b.1926, d.24-jan-1995, p. kytle & anna newton cox, h. willie smith SMITH, Millie May L., b.27-apr-1897, d.8-july-1979, double marker with charlie g. SMITH, Norma Hare, b.10-jun-1916, d.2-may-1994, p. elonzo burt & susan davis hare, h. issac john smith SMITH, Roy T., b.5-aug-1923, d.26-mar-1971, beside willie SMITH, Roy Thomas, Jr., b.30-dec-1953, d.19-feb-1982 SMITH, Sarah M., b.11-june-1842, d.31-dec-1912, h. wm. russell smith SMITH, Viola Adams, b.24-july-1893, d.9-sept-1985, h. walter duboy smith SMITH, Walter D, b.14-nov-1895, d.27-mar-1970, w. viola a., married 4-oct-1913 SMITH, William Harold, b.1941, d.1973 SMITH, William Russell, b.29-may-1850, d.3-jan-1929, w. sarah m. SMITH, Willie, b.1920, d.1962, beside roy t. SPICER, George, b.1870, d.19-sept-1935, a. 65y STANDRIDGE, Annie Sue, b. 26-aug-1944, d. 29-oct-1990, stone says mother STANDRIDGE, Bessie C., b.29-jul-1916, d.16-jan-1988, p. dandy & sadie frances smith cooper, h. jim standridge STANDRIDGE, Buster, b. 24-dec-1905, d. 15-jan-1994, double headstone with mahalla STANDRIDGE, Cobb, b.1-apr-1909, double marker with sarah f. standridge STANDRIDGE, infant, 3-nov-1935, only date STANDRIDGE, Jim, b.13-jul-1913, d.30-oct-1949, double marker with bessie c. standridge STANDRIDGE, Mahala, b.26-may-1910, d.7-may-1981, double headstone with buster STANDRIDGE, Sarah F., b.7-nov-1910, d.6-july-1980, double marker with cobb standridge STONE, Annie May, b.sept-? , d.june-1918 STONE, Errie Anna, b. 1885, d. 1986 STONE, Joseph N., b.6-nov-1890, d.4-sept -1975, double marker with lula lee stone STONE, Lula Lee, b.20-june-1893, d.2-apr-1953, double marker with joseph n. stone STONE, Mary A., b.26-mar-1860, d.11-feb-1922, h. william h. stone STONE, William B., b.1914, d. 1993 STONE, William H., b.1854, d.28-june-1939, a. 85y, w. mary a. stone SWAFFORD, Claud, b.11-feb-1905, d.19-jan-1912, p. b.e. & e.m. swafford SWAFFORD, Earl, b.14-apr-1919, d.11-oct-1921, p. b.e. & e.m. swafford SWAFFORD, Farris Tate, b.25-nov-1911, d.7-sept-1998, w. victorine long swafford, p. benjamin e. & ethel denny swafford, army vet WWII SWAFFORD, Victorine Long, b. 20-sep-1916 THRIFT, Gertrude, b.10-oct-1920, d. 27-dec-1927 THRIFT, Nora Adams, b.2-sep-1900, d.16-dec-1973 WILBANKS, Bobby Louie, b. 1-feb-1946, d. 1-apr-1946 These web pages were originally created by James Robert Lyles III together with his cousin, Joseph Bryan Lyles. Following Jim's death on April 20, 2000, Bryan has taken on maintaince of the web pages with the assistance of Jim's sister, Marianne Lyles.